How to make your own floating ornaments for your Christmas tree

Christmas is the best time for sharing with your family and loved ones. For most people, it’s the ideal time to share nice comfort food and get a food coma afterward, while others prioritize the presents they can exchange.

Christmas is a very emotional moment, and for some people, it can be sad, especially if they have lost someone during that year. Missing the people who are not with us anymore is okay, and we can do some things to feel that they are still with us during that night.

For instance, you can make custom floating ornaments to fill with their photo and hang them on your Christmas tree. Here’s how.

floating ornaments

Buying the ornaments

For this type of floating ornaments, you first need a vessel to put the picture in. You’ll need clear Christmas bubbles that you can open to put the photo inside.

There are several options you can choose from. You can find spherical bubbles, hearts, or flat circles with an open top, or flat circles that can be opened in half. You can get a pack of each version on Amazon.

Get the paper for your picture ornaments

For this picture ornaments DIY project, you can use as many pictures as you want, as long as you get one bubble for each.

Then you will decide what kind of paper you want to use. You can use regular opaque paper, or you can use clear see-through paper to give your floating ornaments a special effect.

After you have chosen the type of paper you want to use, you need to print it. Make sure it’s small enough to fit the bubble you’ve bought.

Cut the pictures

If you have a Cricut, you can look for templates in the shape of the acrylic bubble to make your photo ornaments DIY easier and quicker. If not, you can simply cut them with a pair of scissors.

If you are making several floating ornaments, you can make a cardboard mold of the right size to replicate the shape in all the pictures.

Assembling your floating ornaments

If you have bought the acrylic bubble you can open it in half, you can simply put the picture inside it.

If you have bought the option with a little opening on top, like a bottle’s neck, you’ll have to roll the picture softly, tucking it inside the ball, and rolling it out with your finger, a stick, or also a pen, depending on the size.

If you want to give your floating ornaments a special touch, you can also include some glitter (how to make glitter to sell), cotton, or any other detail.

You can watch this video with a step-by-step on how to make your floating ornaments in memory of someone special:

There you have them! We are sure these ornaments will look wonderful on your Christmas tree and they will help you remember your loved ones.

We also recommend this article where we tell you How to make a printable Secret Santa form for this Christmas!