How to Easily Convert a PNG Image to an SVG Cut File

In today’s blog post we are going to cover how to easily convert a PNG image to an SVG cut file. This method also works for JPEG images as well. Just so we are all on the same page, PNG stands for portable Network Graphics and is a format you can use for saving images or graphics.

An SVG cut file is what we use for Cricut projects. It stands for Scalable Vector Graphics. We actually did an entire blog post on 10 Free Summer SVG Cut Files that explains a little more about SVG cut files and has the freebie links.

So, let’s go ahead and dive into how to easily convert a PNG image to an SVG cut file.

The first thing you have to do is visit this website: PNG to SVG

Once you are on the website, scroll down and you will see a box that says: Drag & Drop a file / Choose a File. So, you can either drag and drop a file from your desktop or manually search for the file and plug it in. Once you choose your image, it will upload it to the site automatically.

how to easily convert a PNG image into an SVG cut file

You will notice that you have options for colors. Make sure it lists out all the colors you have in your image, or manually add one. You can use the color dropper on your image to make sure the colors in the palette bar are correct. Once you are satisfied, you click generate.

It takes a moment to process, but you then should have the SVG file you need. Click download SVG and you will have what you need!

From there you go into Design Space and upload the image like normal. You may notice that  once you upload the image into Design Space, it’s not completely perfect. And that’s totally fine and fixable. You may find that you need to…

  • Pull different layers of the image apart to see where there are issues.
  • Contour parts of the image and hide the parts you don’t need.
  • Arrange the different layers in the order you want so that all the different pieces of the image show up.

Other tips:

The whole point of turning a PNG into an SVG cut file is so that you have the different layers separated out to cut. You will notice that you end up with several layers depending on how complex the image is.

A little hack to having less layers, is you can take the original image and upload it into Design Space, in which case it will flatten the image into one solid layer or background. This can act as the foundation, outline, or background of the image.

I hope this tutorial taught you how to easily convert a PNG image to an SVG cut file.

You can also learn How to convert pdf to SVG for Cricut, by clicking here.

Until next time, happy crafting!