If you are one of those people who usually get bored of the color you chose for the frame of your photos or you would simply like to change the color of your wooden furniture to be in tune with the new trends in decoration, this article is ideal for you.
When you want to change something, you often want to do it immediately. For that reason, I will show you the quickest and most efficient tip on how to remove acrylic paint from wood and you will be able to apply it on objects and wooden furniture without damaging them.
*You can also see this article about how to oxidize silver at home.
Perfect, don’t you think? You only have to pay attention to this step-by-step guide and get the necessary items.
It’s really easy, and cheap, and you won’t have to sand and sand for hours as if you wanted to tone your biceps at the gym. h
Get now how to remove acrylic paint on wood
First of all, I will tell you that you only need acetate or nail polish remover with acetate. If you get by liter, it will yield more.
Obviously, the amount of substance you will use is going to depend on the size of the object or furniture you choose to know how to remove the acrylic paint on the surface of the wood.
You should also know that this trick can be used on any type of wood; the important thing is for the paint to be acrylic.
Essential items:
- Acetate (or nail polish remover with acetate)
- Gloves (preferably rubber gloves)
- Clean cloth or rag to remove the paint
- Chin mask
- Glasses (glasses can be optional, but we recommend them to protect your eyes)
- Spatula
- Table
Here’s the secret of how to get acrylic paint off wood:

In an open or ventilated space, place on a large table (and clear of objects) the wooden object or piece of furniture from which you want to remove the acrylic paint.
Then put on the gloves and unscrew the bottle of acetate or nail polish remover. Place a sip of the liquid directly on the surface of the wood and wait about 20 seconds for the paint to begin to disintegrate a little.
When you see cracks in the paint, you can pass the cloth or preferably a spatula to remove little by little the color on the wood.
The important thing is not to apply force when you pass the spatula, so the wood does not get scratched. Be patient! Because this method is 100 % effective, you will only have to apply the acetate by sectors and then remove the paint.
Care tips for acrylic paint removal:
Whenever you work with acetate or any toxic substance you must protect yourself, especially if you decide to use industrial acetate.
First of all:
- Protect your eyes with glasses( you should not touch your eyes when you are using a toxic substance like acetate).
- Always use gloves ( avoid contact with skin and eyes).
- Wear a chin mask ( do not inhale the vapor of the substance).
- Work in an open or ventilated place.
- Avoid sparks ( acetate is flammable, so do not smoke or be near a heat source if you are using it).
Being neat is important, but being careful will be much better and indispensable.
You know that when doing crafts, small accidents are possible, that’s why knowing well how to remove acrylic paint from wood is crucial.
After these details, everything else will be easy and even economical.
You can get the acetate or nail polish remover in any drugstore or supermarket and its price is usually cheap.
As we already said everything will depend on the size of the furniture you want to renovate, and the acrylic paint removal technique that you want to apply.
If you also want your wood to be flawless, you can sand a little. I repeat it is not necessary; it is just a detail for the perfectionists.
Anyway, by knowing how to remove acrylic paint from wood with acetate and applying it patiently sector by sector, you will surely achieve a more than excellent result.
We also tell you How to fill holes in wood with different products by clicking here, to renew and leave your furniture in perfect condition!
Here you can see a tutorial on how to get acrylic paint off wood
Finally if your goal was to change the color of your wooden furniture and not only to know how to remove acrylic paint, you can just paint it once the wood is dry.
If you want you can varnish it, but for that you must also wait until your furniture or your object is completely dry.
Do not forget to close the acetate bottle tightly and store it in a safe place away from heat exposure.
I recommend that you wash the cloth and gloves once you have used them.

I really hope this article has helped you. As you will see, nail polish remover is not only useful to leave your nails beautiful and ready for polish, but it can also be a super effective tool to remove acrylic paint from wood.
With this method, I assure you that you will be able to change all the furniture in your house in the blink of an eye or color any wooden frame for your photos.
As they say, the solution is always at hand and you can check it out here. Discovering how to remove acrylic paint from wood is actually much easier and simpler than you think. Just pay attention, have patience and choose your next color.
Discovering how to remove acrylic paint from wood is really much easier and simpler than you can imagine. Just pay attention, be patient, and choose your next color.
You will surely see that you will be very happy, carry out your ideas in one simple step and best of all; you do NOT have to spend hours sanding. This is too arduous a task and can really damage your wood if you do it too much.
As they say, the solution is always within reach and you can check it out here. Have spectacular results!
If you also want to know how to thicken acrylic paint with simple ingredients you can find at home click here 😉