How to make epoxy tumbler for beginners

Have you seen these beautiful tumblers and want to try to make your own? In this article, I will explain how you can make your own epoxy tumbler.

If you like crafts that require patience, making a DIY glitter tumbler is perfect for you. Epoxy resin is an easy way to transform a boring tumbler into a fun and personalized one!

Keep reading because in this article I share with you the instructions, as well as tips and tricks to use epoxy resin.

epoxi tumbler

Supplies Needed to Make an Epoxy Tumbler

Make sure you have everything you need before you start making your custom epoxy tumbler.

  • Stainless Steel Tumbler (I used a 20oz)
  • Epoxy Resin
  • Measuring Cups
  • Mixing Stick
  • Nitrile Gloves
  • Spray Paint
  • Painters Tape
  • Fine Glitter
  • Tumbler turner
  • Cardboard or other protective paper
steel tumbler

The best tumbler cups for this tutorial are stainless steel ones because epoxy resin doesn’t adhere to plastic, while steel does.

If your tumbler has a small amount of plastic on it, you can cover it with painter’s tape to keep the resin from peeling off that area over time and ruining your tumbler.

Another important tip is that if you plan to use the cup for hot drinks, choose an insulated cup to protect the resin from heat.

This step-by-step tutorial will take time, each coat of paint, glue, and glitter needs time to dry, and each coat of epoxy needs to cure before another coat is applied. However, in the end, you will be surprised!

Let’s get started!

Step by step to make your own epoxy tumbler

  • Step 1: Prepare your work surface and tumbler

    Start preparing your workspace, cover your work table with plastic or old newspapers. You can also mask your tumbler with painter’s tape if you want any part of it to be without epoxy. It is recommended to mask the edges of the tumbler that are plastic.

  • Step 2: Paint the tumbler

    Once you’ve finished protecting the areas you don’t want to epoxy, paint the outside of the tumbler if you like.

    Using the spray paint of your chosen color, spray in short, quick bursts until the tumbler is completely covered. Try not to apply too much paint so that it does not spill. Let the paint dry between coats.

    To paint you can place the tumbler in the turner.

  • Step 3: Add a lot of glitters

    Once you have the tumbler painted, it’s time to add glitter! If you don’t want a glitter tumbler you can skip this step of the tutorial.

    You can buy glitter paint directly or make it with Mod Podge and glitter. For the second method, apply a layer of Mod Podge to the outside of the tumbler and generously sprinkle glitter all over the surface of the tumbler until completely covered.

    If the glitter doesn’t cover enough, you can repeat this process after the Mod Podge dries.

    Remember to place paper under your tumbler while you sprinkle it with glitter so that you can save the excess and use it for other projects.

  • Step 4: Mix the Epoxy Resin

    Before mixing the epoxy resin it is important to add painter’s tape to the inside edge of the cup to prevent the dripping of resin into the cup.

    Also, if you’re going to drink directly from the tumbler, make sure your resin is food-safe or mask the top rim on the outside of the tumbler with tape as well.

    To prepare the resin, use gloves. Epoxy resin comes in two parts: part A is the resin and part B is the hardener.

    Measure the resin components in equal parts (I recommend you to use a measuring cup) and then pour both into a bowl to mix them well. Use a stick to stir gently, being careful not to stir too quickly so bubbles don’t form.

    Then divide this into as many smaller containers based on how many colors you want to use.

  • Step 5: Apply the resin to your tumbler

    Place your tumbler on the turner and while turning, slowly pour in the resin.

    You can use a wooden stick, your gloved finger, or a silicone brush to spread the resin gently.

    Be sure to cover your tumbler completely, except for the places masked with painter’s tape.

    It is normal for some air bubbles to rise to the top of your epoxy. To remove the bubbles, use heat, which can be from a heat gun or a blowtorch.

  • Step 6: Cure the Resin tumbler

    When you have finished pouring the resin into your tumbler, wait 10-20 minutes and remove the tapes you put on earlier. If you wait until the resin dries, the tape could get stuck or leave marks on the tumbler.

    After removing the tape, let the tumbler continue to spin until the resin is dry to the touch, this takes approximately 4 hours. Once the resin stops dripping, you can turn off the motor but leave the tumbler in place for approximately 24 more hours. If you slow down the tumbler turner too quickly, the epoxy can drip and not dry evenly.

    If you find it necessary, you can repeat the process to give your tumbler an extra layer of epoxy resin.

  • Step 7: Clean the tumbler

    Once your tumbler is dry, I recommend that you wash it before using it. Finally you can put a vinyl phrase or drawing if you wish.

Make your own epoxy tumbler!

If you follow this tutorial in a few steps you will have your personalized epoxy tumbler ready.

There are many tumbler ideas that you can create with a bit of resin and some colors that you like, from tumblers with glitter, marbled style, with the colors of your club, or even a single solid color with a phrase that you like.

You can also learn ‘How to make water slide Cricut decals’ and add them to your personalized Resin tumbler.

Resin tumblers are a bit addictive and this is such a fun and easy craft with so many ways to make it that you just can’t get enough of it.

Wait until people start asking you where you got your epoxy tumbler and you tell them how easy it is to make!